Problem Set 1

Due 8/31 by the start of class.

R practice: playing with legos!

Download the ps1.R script and name it: lastname_ps1.R. Complete the tasks as described in the script and save. You’ll submit the completed script to me on slack (via direct message). I should be able to run the script as is (line by line) with no errors.

Find data

Identify a data source you’d like to use for the final visualization. I’ve provided links to a variety of sources to help you out. The data can be anything that interests you! If you’re having trouble deciding, let’s talk!

Part of each week’s work will be using the chosen data set. To make our exchanges around this individual work easier, create a folder that contains the chosen data, create an R Project in the folder (to create the .Rproj file), and save your project exploration scripts there. You’ll zip this up and share it with me so that I can follow/review your work.

For the first week, create a script that

  1. Reads in the data
  2. Examines the data using some of the functions in PS 1, Question 2
  3. Using comments (#) so R ignores the text, note the likely key variables of interest

These comments don’t need to be definite; just start getting familiar with the data set and be thinking about some possible questions you might ask of it.

xkcd inspiration